51 Hard Bible Trivia Questions and Answers Multiple Choice

1. Who observed as Moses floated in the basket down the Nile?
A) His mother
B) His aunt
C) His sister Miriam
D) A kind stranger

Answer: C) His sister Miriam

2. What is the briefest verse in the Bible?
A) John 11:35
B) Psalm 119:105
C) Genesis 1:1
D) Matthew 24:14

Answer: A) John 11:35

3. Who is the oldest individual mentioned in the Bible?
A) Abraham
B) Noah
C) Methuselah
D) Adam

Answer: C) Methuselah

4. Which apostle earned the nickname “doubting Thomas”?
A) Peter
B) John
C) Judas Iscariot
D) Thomas

Answer: D) Thomas

5. How many plagues afflicted Egypt before Pharaoh released the Israelites?
A) 7
B) 10
C) 12
D) 3

Answer: B) 10

6. What was the city where Jesus was born?
A) Jerusalem
B) Nazareth
C) Bethlehem
D) Jericho

Answer: C) Bethlehem

7. Who was the King Solomon’s father?
A) King David
B) King Saul
C) King Josiah
D) King Solomon had no father.

Answer: A) King David

8. Which prophet exemplified patience and endurance amidst suffering?
A) Elijah
B) Job
C) Jeremiah
D) Ezekiel

Answer: B) Job

9. Who authored most of the Psalms in the Bible?
A) King David
B) Solomon
C) King Asa
D) King Saul

Answer: A) King David

10. What did Jesus transform water into at the wedding in Cana?
A) Milk
B) Wine
C) Oil
D) Honey

Answer: B) Wine

11. By whom was Jesus betrayed to the religious authorities for thirty pieces of silver?
A) Peter
B) Judas Iscariot
C) John
D) Thomas

Answer: B) Judas Iscariot

12. How long did Noah spend on the ark during the flood?
A) 7 days and nights
B) 40 days and nights
C) 100 days and nights
D) 150 days and nights

Answer: B) 40 days and nights

13. What miracle did Jesus did when feeding a multitude with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes?
A) Turning water into wine
B) Healing the blind
C) Raising the dead
D) Feeding the 5,000

Answer: D) Feeding the 5,000

14. Name the prophet who confronted King David about the sin with Bathsheba?
A) Samuel
B) Nathan
C) Elijah
D) Isaiah

Answer: B) Nathan

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15. What did Jesus declare as the greatest commandment in the Law?
A) Love your neighbor as yourself
B) Honor your father and mother
C) You shall have no other gods before me
D) Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind

Answer: D) Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind

16. Who interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams about 7 fat, 7 thin cows, 7 healthy and 7 withered ears of grain?
A) Joseph
B) Moses
C) Aaron
D) Daniel

Answer: A) Joseph

17. Which Old Testament book narrates the story of Esther, a Jewish queen who saved her people from destruction?
A) Ruth
B) Nehemiah
C) Esther
D) Judith

Answer: C) Esther

18. Name the first woman created by God according to the book of Genesis?
A) Ruth
B) Esther
C) Eve
D) Sarah

Answer: C) Eve

19. What is the central theme about book of Ecclesiastes?
A) Wisdom
B) Love
C) Vanity or Meaninglessness
D) Justice

Answer: C) Vanity or Meaninglessness

20. Who was the first martyr of the Christian faith in Christianity, who was stoned to death for his beliefs?
A) Peter
B) Paul
C) Stephen
D) Timothy

Answer: C) Stephen

21. What was creation of God on the 4th day of creation, according to the book of Genesis?
A) The heavens and the earth
B) Animals and plants
C) Light and darkness
D) The sun, moon, and stars

Answer: D) The sun, moon, and stars

22. Which apostle wrote the majority of the New Testament letters (epistles)?
A) Peter
B) James
C) John
D) Paul

Answer: D) Paul

23. What was the name of the giant warrior defeated by young David with a stone and a slingshot?
A) Goliath
B) Samson
C) Saul
D) Jonathan

Answer: A) Goliath

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24. Who was the high priest at the time of crucifixion of Jesus?
A) Caiaphas
B) Annas
C) Eli
D) Abiathar

Answer: A) Caiaphas

25. How many seals are there on the scroll that only the Lamb of God can open, in the book of Revelation?
A) 3
B) 5
C) 7
D) 12

Answer: C) 7

26. Which prophet is at times associated with the prophecy of the valley of dry bones coming to life?
A) Isaiah
B) Jeremiah
C) Ezekiel
D) Daniel

Answer: C) Ezekiel

27. Name of the tax collector whom Jesus called to be his disciples?
A) Matthew
B) Luke
C) Mark
D) John

Answer: A) Matthew

28. Who was the first king of country Israel, by the prophet Samuel?
A) Saul
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Jonathan

Answer: A) Saul

29. Name the disciple famously walked on water for a moment when called by Jesus?
A) Peter
B) John
C) Andrew
D) James

Answer: A) Peter

30. Name the last book of the Old Testament?
A) Malachi
B) Zechariah
C) Haggai
D) Micah

Answer: A) Malachi

31. Name the person who wrote the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament?
A) Matthew
B) John
C) Luke
D) Mark

Answer: D) Mark

32. What Jesus told to his disciples when he called them to come follow him?
A) “Go and preach the Gospel to all nations.”
B) “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”
C) “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
D) “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Answer: C) “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

33. Name the person wrote the book of Acts in the New Testament?
A) Paul
B) John
C) Peter
D) Luke

Answer: D) Luke

34. What is the famous sermon that was delivered by Jesus on the mountainside, which is often referred as the “Sermon on the Mount”?
A) The Sermon on the Plain
B) The Sermon on the Sea
C) The Sermon on the Hill
D) The Sermon on the Mount

Answer: D) The Sermon on the Mount

35. Which biblical character is popularly known for his incredible strength and his fierce encounter with Delilah?
A) Samson
B) David
C) Gideon
D) Solomon

Answer: A) Samson

36. Name the fruit that is often associated with the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden?
A) Apple
B) Pear
C) Fig
D) Pomegranate

Answer: The Bible doesn’t specify the fruit.

37. Name the disciple is often referred to as “the disciple whom Jesus loved”?
A) Peter
B) John
C) James
D) Andrew

Answer: B) John

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38. Where was Jesus was crucified?
A) Mount Sinai
B) Mount Tabor
C) Mount Moriah
D) Golgotha

Answer: D) Golgotha

39. Name the first king of Israel’s Northern Kingdom after splitting from Southern Kingdom of Judah?
A) Solomon
B) David
C) Jeroboam
D) Rehoboam

Answer: C) Jeroboam

40. What was the event described in Book of Exodus where God gave Moses the 10 Commandments on Mount Sinai?
A) The Exodus
B) The Passover
C) The Burning Bush
D) The Sinai Covenant

Answer: D) The Sinai Covenant

41. Name the prophet known for his vision of a valley of dry bones coming to life, symbolising the restoration of Israel?
A) Isaiah
B) Jeremiah
C) Ezekiel
D) Daniel

Answer: C) Ezekiel

42. Who was the Egyptian wife of Joseph, with whom he had 2 sons, Ephraim and Manasseh?
A) Sarah
B) Rachel
C) Leah
D) Asenath

Answer: D) Asenath

43. What did Isaiah see in his vision that he described as having 6 wings and called out, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty”?
A) A seraphim
B) An angel
C) A cherubim
D) A serpentine creature

Answer: A) A seraphim

44. Who is believed to have written the famous Book of Genesis, which begins with the creation of the world?
A) Moses
B) Abraham
C) Noah
D) Adam

Answer: A) Moses

45. Name of the river in which John the Baptist baptized the people, including Jesus?
A) Jordan River
B) Nile River
C) Euphrates River
D) Tigris River

Answer: A) Jordan River

46. What did the Elijah ask God for when he was exhausted and fleeing from Jezebel?
A) A chariot of fire

B) Food and water
C) Death
D) A double portion of his spirit

Answer: D) A double portion of his spirit

47. Name the disciple of Jesus is known for denying him 3 times before the rooster crowed?
A) Peter
B) James
C) John
D) Andrew

Answer: A) Peter

48. Name the woman who anointed feet of Jesus with expensive perfume and wiped them with her hair?
A) Mary Magdalene
B) Martha
C) Mary of Bethany
D) Joanna

Answer: C) Mary of Bethany

49. What event is celebrated on Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles, according to the New Testament?
A) The Last Supper
B) The Crucifixion
C) The Resurrection
D) The Birthday of the Church

Answer: D) The Birthday of the Church

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50. What is the final destination for the righteous and faithful believers, in the book of Revelation?
A) The New Jerusalem
B) The Garden of Eden
C) Mount Sinai
D) Babylon

Answer: A) The New Jerusalem

51. What is the only book of the Bible that does not contain the word God?

Answer : The books of Esther

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